The buffet table was a impressive spread of salads, quiche, tortilla, pinchos, dips, chips, cheese, olives, etc, and I would like to thank the friends who helped out by contributing their delicious dish:)
At the far end of my long salon the terrace was beautifully lit (and heated!), and housed a self-service bar with two large bowls of Salvatore’s sangría and an over-abundant supply of red and white wine and beer. It proved to be a very popular spot for guests to mingle all evening, and not just the smokers!
I served the main course, to the surprise of most it seemed who were already full from the buffet, from the kitchen bar. Made a HUGE amount of my famous chicken curry, (mildly spicey and a little sweet) with pilau rice (my version) and an indian salad accompaniment, it was delicious if I may say so myself and everybody seemed to agree! There was plenty to go around, in fact there was so much left-over that some lucky people got to take home doggy-bags.
Finally the dessert… everyone was pretty much absorbed in conversation by then and it's appearance on the buffet table almost went unnoticed… a giant fruit salad, Anna’s delicious tirimisu, cheesecake, pandoro with mascarpone, chocolates… gradually it disappeared and was evidently greatly appreciated.
Most importantly of course… the general atmosphere, which I think was wonderful, everybody seemed really relaxed and comfortable, mingling and making new friends. There was a really good feeling, positive and fun… my only regret is that I was SO busy I completely forgot to take photos (except this one of the terrace before anyone arrived...) Oh well, next time will be even better!