Expectation was high after the long summer break and with the flourish of early RSVPs I braced myself for a big one. Indeed it looked like an overbooking, but thanks to a number of no-shows (still a no-no) and “facebook flakes” (as I lovingly call them ;) the final number was reduced to a manageable 57 people. There were 15 different countries of origin present, 31 women and 26 men, with 33 cosmo-pros and 24 rookies.

My wonderful friends Irma, Jamie and Brigitte arrived a little early to help with final preparations and all was in place by 9:15 when the surge through my front door began. It was a lovely October evening with the first signs of crisp autumn air... and an overloaded coat stand! To avoid the usual congestion on the terrace (where the only drinks service has always been located), I introduced a second bar area in the bathtub which served its purpose well.

The first course buffet spread of salads, slices, baked potatoes and pakoras obviously went down a treat before I served the hot main course. My chicken curry, basmati rice and cachumber salad were as delicious as ever, and we also had a vegetarian option, a delectable spicy curry made by Bill. For dessert we were treated to Mitsi’s famous brownies, as well as my chocolate gateau and honey crackles.

As usual the party atmosphere was really buzzing and happy with everyone mingling and making new friends. On this occasion I chose to ignore the hopeful hints at a salsa session or ABBA-mania, but guests still lingered till late… eventually I made a few hints of my own and everyone cleared out by about 3am. I felt really happy with another successful cosmosoirée but my bed was beckoning!