Last saturday's event was another huge success with a record breaking attendance of 72 fabulous international people! With the vast majority of early sign-ups being women we had to put the word out to round up some more guys and they came through in the end, the final ratio being quite a respectable 33 to 39. There were people from 22 countries of origin, with a massive 43 repeat attenders and 29 first-timers.

My menu was, I believe, an exact replica of last time (when you're on a good thing stick to it!) with my "pièce de résistance" panna cotta to top it off. Other delicacies on the buffet table were Brigitte's salad, Anna's quiche and Ana's samosas and pakoras. Next time I plan to vary it a little and come up with a few more summery dishes.
It was a comfortable spring (almost:) evening so no need for the heater on the terrace, and the crowd merrily mingled and meandered be

tween the
interior and exterior spaces. An admirably civilised affair considering the large crowd, it gradually wound down to a relatively early end as many went off to continue the night's revelry in clubs and bars. I myself managed to hit the sack before 3am, restoring my energy for sunday's big clean-up.

With the incredible popularity of the soirées I have decided to do them a little more often, at least over the spring, and the next one will be on April 10. I hope this will give more new people a chance to attend... so book early and
I'll see you there!
Thanks for your help, guapas! :)