Yet again my party program seemed flawed by bad timing, clashing with a big football final and holiday Monday weekend! However we managed to pull in a very respectable crowd of 62 people, 33 women and 29 men from 19 different countries of origin. There were 34 cosmo repeat-attenders and 18 first-timers.

I stuck to my tried and tested menu, buffet spread of salads, ham-veggie slice and baked potatoes, main course chicken curry et al and for desert my fruit panna cotta and sponge cake with strawberries and cream. All seemed to go down well and was pretty much all polished off!

The welcome return of the warm weather added to the party spirit and the revelry continued until almost 3am, a great time had by all!
Next event is scheduled for June 12, at my place again then in July and August at least a couple of parties will be held at a special summer venue!
Photos courtesy of Taru Tuomi... watch out for her cosmo-comments!