It was a rather grey and rainy twilight but that didn't stop us from enjoying our Cosmojitos and cava cocktails as the daylight slowly slipped away.

The dreary weather may have accounted for a slightly smaller turn out than usual with a total of 55 attendees comprising 30 men and just 25 women, but spirits were high and a good time was definitely had by all.

I tried a couple of new dishes - a chickpea terrine with caramelised onions and spinach which proved a successful additioin to the buffet table, and as a main course variation I prepared marinated chicken with asparagus and mustard sauce and basmati rice. I think it went down well although as I began serving I found the quantity was strangely lacking... I later discovered that my volunteer helper who stir-fried the chicken had only cooked about half of my 5 kilos! So applolgies to anyone who felt their portion was rather on the small side;) I trust that appetites were satiated by the desserts!

Thomas Wagner photography
(click on photos to enlarge)