Undaunted by the bad weather a determined cosmocrowd turned out last Saturday for another hugely successful soirée. A total of 53 fabulous international people braved the heavy rain and joined together to eat, drink, be merry and make new friends! This time only 3 unfortunate confirmees had been struck down by SFS (sudden flu syndrome) and could not make it. The male/female ratio was evenly matched with 27 women and 26 men (mosty single and gorgeous;). There were 17 “repeat attenders” who had been to at least one of the 3 previous events, and 36 first-timers.
Amongst the guests from 20 different countries of origin there was a notable majority of Scandinavians and Northern Europeans, plus the usual healthy dose of North Americans and an ever- growing Australian contingent. Not to forget the sprinkling of Italian stallions and plenty of guapas and guapos from our host country. It’s also great to see some guests hailing from more exotic places such as Albania, Turkey and India. Our one Colombian guest was strangely the ONLY representative of the American continents south of the US border! Vamos, no puede ser, han de venir mas latinos!!!
I’m not sure if it was the rain or the presence of so many strapping young men (or the combination of both) but the abundant food supply was hungrily devoured and there was very little left-over this time. It was evidently greatly appreciated and complimented on, highlights being Sonja’s two delicious salads, Salvatore’s spinach and ricotta pie and mini-pizzas, my bok choy and pasta salads, samosas and pakoras from Ana, my ever-popular chicken curry, and to top it off Irma’s incredible chocolate cake! I would also like to thank Irma for all her help and support during the evening, and even with the cleaning up the next day:)
The soirée wound up around 1.30 – 2am with everyone enthusing about what a great time they'd had and vowing to come again. Many new found friends formed groups to continue the night in bars and clubs. For me a quick night-cap to wind down and hit the sack, exhausted but happy with such a wonderful evening!

P.S. Actually these are from the previous party but none were taken this time!