With a relatively slow response to invitations in august it looked like being a fairly quiet affair… but the last minute post-vacation flourish of RSVPs filled the event to a near capacity crowd of 63. There were around 21 countries of origin present, the less usual ones including Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Peru. The feminine contingent slightly out-numbered the men with 34 to 29, and it was great to see so many new faces with a massive 34 first-timers!
The buffet spread included most of the cosmo-staples with just a couple of variations, plus a delicious salad from my friend Anna who also helped me out a lot on the night, thanks Anna!:) The main course chicken curry seemed to go down as well as ever, though my “basmati risotto” experiment was perhaps not the biggest success, in future I’ll stick to preparing it the normal way;) The meal was of course topped off by my signature desserts of fruit panna cotta and chocolate gateau, yum!

The party atmosphere was as vibrant as ever until we wound up around 2am, with many people going on to continue the night in bars and clubs with new-found friends. Thanks to you all for participating in the good spirit of cosmosoirée, hope to see you again next time!
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